Monday, November 16, 2009

and the winner is.......

and the winner is.......

drumroll please......

Tina the scarf-aholic! YAY!!!!!

Congats Tina!

If you have never visited Tina over at T minus T plus, YOU MUST!! Her blog is incredibly witty and fun. It is one of my daily reads. Her fiance' Rand has a daily commentary on her daily wear that makes me giggle everytime. I also love her great post titles, she adds a little snippet of her day and you can't help but think..."what a fun gal!!" The entire blog is so fun not to mention she has great style!

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.”........ Aristotle

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It is so beautiful here right now, clear blue skies against the magnificent white capped mountains is just breathtaking. Clear blue skies in the winter also means.... COLD... DANG COLD! Cold to the tune of sub-zero temperatures. BRRRR........
I was looking at my calendar last night (choosing vacation dates!!! YAY) and the fact that Thankgiving is only two weeks away came to my attention. HOLY MOLY!!! I better get my butt in gear. I want to have all of my Christmas shopping done and wrapped by the end of the month so that I can enjoy the Christmas season stress free! Wow...doesn't that sound nice? I seem to always procrastinate and everything turns into a giant checklist that has to be done instead of taking the time to enjoy it.

Skirt: thrifted...$1
Blouse: Nordstrom
Cardigan: J-Crew
Boots: Target
Tights: Target
Belt: thrifted
Scarf: Wal-mart

WHERE: I wore this to church yesterday morning and my husband took my pics for me, he was acting so goofy behind the camera I ended up cracking up the entire time....these were the least goofy shots we took!   I LOVE HIM!!!

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**** Giveaway winner later today....Click back!

Life isn't about how to survive the storm but how to dance in the rain.......

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Look who's got a new pair of boots! After repeatedly seeing Kyla rock her boots over at Blue Collar Catwalk I decided that I needed some....yes needed!  So IN LOVE with these boots, everything that Kyla said about them is true. They are incredibly comfy and I'm totally obsessed! I am quite confident that you'll get tired of seeing them on my lovely little legs. In this -10 below weather they keep my legs nice and toasty warm while wearing skirts and dresses too!

My 11 yr old daughter styled this entire was all her, I wish I could take the credit because I LOVE it, but it was all her!
Thanks Lexi! Love ya!

Jeans:Denim of Virtue
Tee: Target
Cardigan: J-Crew
Necklace: faux pearls
Cap: Forever 21
Boots: Target

Friday night date with my man!
New Boots,indian food, snuggles, wine, and a chick flick! Doesn't get much better!

 We watched The Proposal, have you all seen it?  It was hilarious...
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**More posts to come later today...along with the giveaway winner. Make sure you click back!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

It’s not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference.....Paul Bryant

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The great closet cleanout of 2009 is underway, I cleaned out and took a GIANT tub of clothes to the consignment shop yesterday. I can't wait to get my hands on some new loot! The jeans and sweater look is tired and old...but there is not much else I can wear when it is snowing like a bandit and there is 4 inches of fresh snow on the ground. Comfort and practicality take priority. Thank goodness for accessories! I am so exited to FINALLY have some snow! The kids went sledding in the backyard yesterday, came in with rosy red cheeks and sipped hot is better!

Jeans: Seven for all Mankind
Sweater: Banana Republic
Tank: Old Navy
Shoes: Dansko
Scarf: Banana Republic

Errands around town, thrifting, (Can't miss dollar day) appointment at the coffee shop.

**Check back later for another outfit post...I'm a day behind! OOPS :)
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

YOU are the only one holding yourself back.....

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SNOW!!!!WE FINALLY HAVE SNOW!!!! November 9th and we finally get snow in ALASKA...what is happening? I was starting to reaaly get kinda irked. I knew that a long drawn out warm fall season was great and that I should be trying to enjoy extra fall activities but the inner me, the part that has lived here all her life and has always gotten snow in late September to early October was FREAKING OUT! It threw my whole little internal clock off and I didn't know what to do. Now I do and I'm going to make homemade snow-cream for desert tonight, and possibly take my kids sledding tomorrow! WEEEEEEE!

In fashion news....not much...had to wear the Uggs again, and this sweater was my first thrifted item ever bought, aren't the little puff balls fabulous!

Make sure to enter my giveaway...Free Stuff...Yes Please!

sweater: thrifted
Tank: Old Navy
Jeans: James
Boots: Uggs

Around the house, off to daughter basketball game, and then out to a celebratory dinner...she scored 8 points!
just my style 1896

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

7 Interesting Things...Hmmmmm

The rules are simple:

1. Thank the person who nominated me for this award.

2. Copy the award & place it on my blog.

3. Link to the person who nominated me for this award.

4. Tell us 7 interesting things about yourself.

5. Nominate 7 bloggers.

6. Post links to the 7 blogs I nominate.

Ready! Let's Go:
A gigantic Thank you and bloggie hug is due the fantabulous Amy over at The Bargain Hunter Extraordinaire! What a gal, she is super sweet and uber stylish. Click on over and check out her great blog. All right,on to the 7 interesting things...lets see...

  • I am absolutely terrible at my rights and lefts. I get them mixed up ALL the time and can't for the life of me figure them out in a split second. When someone gives me a right or left command it takes me at least two seconds to process and head that direction!

  • I grew up at the dirtbike track, my dad was a racer, and I was carted out to the races evey weekend since I was a mere two DAYS old. The tradition continues or is in my blood so to speak. My brother now races snowmobiles under a factory Yamaha sponsorship, my husband races recreationally and as of last year for the first time I did! It was a blast and I am hoping to again this year.. here is a picture of me to aid your imagination.

  • I am a terrible sweetsaholic, and I use that term in the most serious form, I have been known to eat large undisclosed amounts of frosting out of the can with only my fingers. Just typing that makes me feel dirty... :)

  • I live in somewhat of a small town and almost my entire family on BOTH my husbands side and mine live here also. That includes my parents, his parents, his grandmother, my brother and family, his sister and family, his older brother and family live in Anchorage (about 40 miles away) and until recently his other brother lived here as well. They now live in Washington. Family gatherings are HUGE  as we have 14 grandchildren on his side of the family and four on mine. It is such a blessing to have everyone around as well as the babysitter factor! I have NEVER had to pay for babysitting! WOO-HOO!

  • My husband and I met in sixth grade, we sat beside each other all year long and I was absolutely and totally smitten from that point on. I knew there was no one else for me. We ended up dating in high school, and got married shortly after. 11 years  of marriage and 3 kiddos later I am still smitten!

  • I used to eat pickle and mustard sandwiches as a kid...GROSS!

  • I would rather hike 10 miles through the mountains in the rain with a 15lb pack on my back than bake something from scratch, Not much of a domestic goddess here.

Another big Thank you to Amy for presenting me with this award I am extremely honored! You are such a sweetie. As far as seven other beautiful bloggers, there are too many to count and so I tag you all...cant wait to read seven interesting things about you!

You're It!!!!

Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.....James Baldwin (1924-1987)

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It seems as though I am easing myself into the thigh high arena. I wore them here but chose to hide the fact. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the look, both in boots and socks but have yet to muster the courage to don one or the other. I absolutely adore the tights, cutoffs, tall socks and boots look but really, should a mama of three be wearing that? I question myself but yet am so drawn to the thigh high.

What do you think?

Dress: Victoria's Secret
Tank: Old Navy
Jacket: Banana Republic
Scarf: Banana Republic
Thigh high socks: Target
Boots: Frye

Around town, the house, and then off to my daughters basketball game...she scored three baskets! (sorry, proud mama moment)
just my style 1866
Don't forget to enter my giveaway!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tolani Scarf giveaway......

Just my Style and have teamed up again to present you with another awesome giveaway! Who would not want to rock this fabulous Brown Pebble Tolani scarf?

  •  Leave a comment on this post, make sure to leave your email address.
  • GOOD NEWS!  This giveaway is open to domestic AND international readers (international readers will be responsible for any custom fees).
  •  Reblog this giveaway for another entry, just make sure you let me know in the comments.
  • You must be a follower of Just my Style in one way or another. Let me know how you follow in your comment. (This is more out of curiosity, I want to learn more about the in's and out's of the blogosphere and everything that goes along with it.)

Giveaway ends Sunday November 15th @midnight (AK time, so it would actually be the wee hours of 16th for you gals in the states) . Winner will be selected randomly and announced on Monday  November 16th.

If you have never checked out, YOU MUST! They have a great selection of items at many different price points, such as ALLEN SCHWARTZ  with this fantabulous dress:

It also comes in black. Wouldn't this make the most perfect Holiday party dress.

Another of my favorites on my wishlist would be this TIBI Lollipop Stripe Skirt:

Are these colors and the pattern not to die for?

For more chickdowntown giveaway's be sure to follow Amy's Twitter.

Good Luck!!!

Marrying is easy, it's housework that's hard.....Proverb

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The weather here has been totally insane this year! We have NO SNOW!!! It is November 2nd and we have no snow..none...nada...zilch! It has even been so warm here that the lakes and creeks are barely frozen! I HATE IT!!! It is ugly, brown and stark here. Winter is usually in full swing by now. Ugh.... To spruce up my mood I decided to put a litle springy spin on the day.

*I will be posting a giveaway later today...Click back to enter...
Jeans: Seven for all Mankind...thrifted...$3.50
Belt: ????
Tank: Nordstrom
Button-up: Old Navy
Necklace: Target

Lazing around the house and then back to church for evening service.
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.....Chinese Proverb

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Hey! Look who decided to blog again! Man o man have I been busy....not really sure doing what exactly, but extremely busy. I sure missed you all and decided that November 1st was a great day to make my reappearance in blogland.

Simple, simple, simple was all I was thinking this morning after two days of Halloween festivities....I am exhausted! We had a great day yesterday, every year my parents host an annual all family pumpkin carving day. We have all been so busy lately that we ended up not being able to do it until Halloween! It worked out great though and we made a whole day of it. Carving began at 11:00 am, slight intermission at lunch time for seafood chowder, (Yum!) and then of course there was the all day grazing of the popcorn balls, caramel corn, pumpkin shaped sugar cookies, pumkin bread, and pumpkin (yep you guessed it!) PIE!!! After six pumpkins were carved and we were stuffed beyond stuffed, it was time to get the kiddos dressed and go trick or treating around the block! It was SOOOOO cold!!!! We breed tough kids up here in AK, if they weren't tough they wouldn't be able to go out and collect candy at thirty degrees and 30 mph winds....seriously! We had a blast though and it was so much fun to be able to trick or treat the same houses that I did as a kid along with my mom, brother, and our kids!

***Before you curse me for being a terrible irresponsible mother, we did drive in a warm toasty car from house to house, the kids LOVED IT, and that is just how it is here. I tromped through feet of snow and icy driveways every year as a kid... LOVED IT and survived!

Dress: Target
Tights: Target
Shoes: ????? OLD!

Sunday morning church

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