Sunday, August 21, 2011

Over the Weekend...

Over the Weekend!

Hiya folks!
Just a quick drop in, I am basking in the glow of an empty house this weekend!
Jeremy is of sheep hunting for the extended weekend and the kids are over at Nana and Papa's house. That means that I may or may not have:

stayed in my pajamas all day
watched Jane Erye in bed while eating a panini and doritos at 10:00pm
taken walks to the coffee shop
finished and organized blog posts
bought my first pair of jeggings...idk whether to be excited or scared
read my bible, studied, prayed and spent uninterrupted time with Jesus
cleaned the garage
sipped wine and nibbled bed
took a nap
started a new book, The Help
cleaned out my Google Reader
contemplated taking out the camera and trying tripod/self-timer shots
reflected on how much I love my family

It has been a lovely and much needed stay cation for myself.


  1. That sounds amazing!  I love my kids and bf, but sometimes it's so nice to have "me" time.  Love all the colors in your look today!

  2. Thank You! It was a much needed break, I will definitely be a better wife and mother when they all come home! Plus the added bonus of getting projects/chores done uninterrupted!


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